Everyone’s dream home – Max’s high rise


Designed by Max in Grade 4 this is one of our most visionary projects to date.

This residence can be used as a family home, holiday house, fun park, conference facility, for diving events, swimming races and small sided soccer tournaments. In addition, a go kart race track in the basement and a cantilevered tennis court are provided for recreational purposes.

Inspired by constructivist El Lissitzy’s design for a horizontal skyscraper, the ‘cloud-irons’, the habitable rooms are located on the top floor and access to below is provided via a water slide or from diving boards into one of the two pools.

The pool incorporates a bar and kiosk for buying drinks, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and homemade macaroons. There is free Wi-Fi everywhere. 

Our high rise design takes sustainability to another level. The dwelling only uses water, energy and food that are collected, generated or grown on site. Rainwater tanks, solar hot water service and PV cells are an integral part of the design.

Social sustainability was an important consideration – the house incorporates a guest wing and the sporting and recreational facilities are open to all children in the neighbourhood. Adults can request entry on application.

The residence is located within the City of Yarra and we hope to obtain planning approval at some point in the future.

Project features

  • Penthouses, two levels of fun and basement racetrack
  • Suspended pool with water slide and diving pool with bar
  • Vegetable garden and rainwater tanks next to soccer pitch
  • Solar hot water above the penthouse, cantilevered tennis court and central dining room